Monday 31 January 2011

The zombies are multiplying.

Latest addition to the zombie project. It's Layne Staley, the late singer of the band Alice In Chains for those of you unfamiliar with 90's grunge.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

More Chimera Research

More Lou Beach work, also some Keith Haring pieces. Keith Haring was a very influential graffiti artist of the eighties. I like the messiness of his work and its pure energy. I'd like to incorporate some of this energy and movement into my own finished Chimera piece.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

More Pet Projects..

Haven't posted in a while so I figured I'd 'exhibit' various pieces that I've been working on over the break. Everything here has been drawn in Adobe Illustrator with a graphics tablet that I got as a present for Christmas. My current aspiration for the zombie pieces is to have them made into a book/booklet type thing to throw into my portfolio. As I'm sure you've guessed; they're all portraits of famous dead rock stars - Ian Curtis, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Frank Zappa, Sid Vicious etc. Those five are all I have completed at the moment; Layne Staley, Janis Joplin and Phil Lynott are all still in progress! The final piece that I've posted is one inspired by the movie/book 'American Psycho' which is by one of my favourite authors Bret Easton Ellis. This piece is actually drawn from a movie still in which the main character is looking at himself in the mirror at what I will politely describe as an 'inappropriate moment'. I decided to draw it in Illustrator first so I could basically play around with effects. I plan on hand-painting the image onto an old mirror I have for the finished piece.