Friday 15 April 2011

Promotional Pieces

Just a separate flyer and poster I did up on Illustrator for a promotional item for my invented Ski company 'Descender'.

Monday 11 April 2011

Tuesday 5 April 2011

The Meal Range

This is my design for the range so far, working with a pastel colour palette and a playful font choice. I included the back of one of the microwave meal sleeves just to show how I'm planning on laying out the type. I'm hoping making the packaging itself/actually finding a template for it wont be too hard...

My God I'm Indecisive

So after creating several different solutions to our food packaging brief incorporating my Alsatian character Gramsci, I decided that I'm bored of working with him now and went back to work with my original ink drawings. These pictures as the result of those ink drawings being Live Traced in Illustrator. I'm going to design a range of healthy microwave meals for kids incorporating them. As you do.

Revised Final Dust Jacket

TA-DA! Spoke to my tutor today, figured out a few minor tweaks that I had to take care of and after a little time spent on Illustrator I'm finally done. Finito. Le Fin etc etc. I'm pretty happy with the outcome anyway. I still might come up with another solution to it yet, depending solely on time. Last month of college is always horrible for trying to meet a million fricking deadlines.

Monday 4 April 2011

Food Packaging

So in our Ideas Generation class we have to make our own food packaging based around the character we designed for a previous project. My character was a communist people-eating Alsatian. So naturally I decided to design packaging for vegetarian sausages. This is what I got so far. It's going to be for a pretty standard cardboard rectangular box (we physically have to make the packaging ourselves and given my 'craft' skills, I'm not aiming too high).


Quickly threw some colour on it there in Photoshop. Also did one with more text, kinda clarifying the joke. Hmm not sure which one I prefer though...

And again...

Decided that I still wasn't happy with the first part of the chimera brief so I did it out again. The landscapes weren't exactly a major effort and I'm fully aware that I'm capable of better. So hopefully this is better. I drew around a photo of a lip gloss that I had from the first day with the Pen Tool in Illustrator then manipulated it to look like a gun. I coloured it in with the Live Paint Bucket and using the Blob Brush Tool drew around the 'pen' outline again loosely in order for it to look handdrawn. I then drew a soldier holding the gun using the Blob Brush Tool again. The speech bubble was also drawn with the Blob Brush. The font for the caption is called 'Rift3d' and I got it off the make-your-own font site I think this piece is much more representative of my own personal style than the last two that I did as I'm generally quite illustrative and tend to work in flat colour/monochrome. I still might throw a background colour on this though.

Saturday 2 April 2011

The Final 3

So these are my final three book cover designs for our typography brief. They're all pretty similar, there's just minor differences in detail. On the first one I have increased the font size on the back for children's legibilty, on the second I have kept my original colouring idea of a plain white background on the cover and finally on the third I have changed that background colour to a nice pastel blue to complement the orange typeface and darker cornflower blue outline of the front cover rhino. I'm not sure whether I should include a review quote at the bottom or not though.

The Grand Finale...

So after all that, this is my final dust jacket design. Overall, I'm pretty happy with it, I just hope it meets all of the brief criteria.

Font play

These are all just me playing around with various type solutions. I downloaded various 'handwritten' and calligraphic fonts I liked in the end as my handwriting is completely illegible even to myself most of the time. I got some off the site and the remainder off I played around with warping the type different ways in Illustrator. I also simply moved the type around the front cover to see which layout I liked best. I'll post up my final cover in a seperate post so that you may view it in all its glory...(someone needs to come up with a font to convey sarcasm)

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Rolling out all the book covers tonight...

These are the progressing solutions for our other current book cover project, designing a cover for James and the Giant Peach. There's still several tweaks I need to do to these but overall I'm happy enough as I got to draw a rhino and I like drawing animals. I just used the airbrush on Illustrator to colour both rhinos as I wanted a transparent effect. Ditto for the clouds the rhino on the back cover is emerging from.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

So far so..okay

So this is the book cover I'm currently slaving over. To be honest, I'm not sure how much I like the idea at the moment; I've been having really bad creative block the past couple of weeks. Maybe I'll warm to it more when I draw out the type that I'm using on the front cover. I can't decide between playful or decorative script. Guess I'll just have to try both.

Friday 25 March 2011

James and the Giant Peach

These are just preliminary ideas for our other current book cover design brief for the Puffin Design Awards. The title we have to design for is 'James and the Giant Peach'. I knew I wanted to include some sort of illustration in the cover so I picked the focal character of the Rhino in the story and drew up two designs. I'm thinking of going with a white background for the coever itself to keep it simple. Not entirely sure yet though.