Friday 15 April 2011

Promotional Pieces

Just a separate flyer and poster I did up on Illustrator for a promotional item for my invented Ski company 'Descender'.

Monday 11 April 2011

Tuesday 5 April 2011

The Meal Range

This is my design for the range so far, working with a pastel colour palette and a playful font choice. I included the back of one of the microwave meal sleeves just to show how I'm planning on laying out the type. I'm hoping making the packaging itself/actually finding a template for it wont be too hard...

My God I'm Indecisive

So after creating several different solutions to our food packaging brief incorporating my Alsatian character Gramsci, I decided that I'm bored of working with him now and went back to work with my original ink drawings. These pictures as the result of those ink drawings being Live Traced in Illustrator. I'm going to design a range of healthy microwave meals for kids incorporating them. As you do.

Revised Final Dust Jacket

TA-DA! Spoke to my tutor today, figured out a few minor tweaks that I had to take care of and after a little time spent on Illustrator I'm finally done. Finito. Le Fin etc etc. I'm pretty happy with the outcome anyway. I still might come up with another solution to it yet, depending solely on time. Last month of college is always horrible for trying to meet a million fricking deadlines.

Monday 4 April 2011

Food Packaging

So in our Ideas Generation class we have to make our own food packaging based around the character we designed for a previous project. My character was a communist people-eating Alsatian. So naturally I decided to design packaging for vegetarian sausages. This is what I got so far. It's going to be for a pretty standard cardboard rectangular box (we physically have to make the packaging ourselves and given my 'craft' skills, I'm not aiming too high).


Quickly threw some colour on it there in Photoshop. Also did one with more text, kinda clarifying the joke. Hmm not sure which one I prefer though...